Διατριβὴ ἑλληνική
Αἱ τοῦ Ἡρακλέους αἱρέσεις παρὰ τῷ Λουκιανῷ

Join us on Saturday, July 29th, for a day of online conversation in ancient Greek! Our theme: the choices of Heracles in the imperial Greek writer Lucian of Samosata. First, we'll discuss Lucian's model, the Choice of Heracles in Xenophon's Memorabilia, in which Heracles as a young man must choose between Virtue and Vice. Second, we'll turn to two of Lucian's own works, the Dream and the Teacher of Rhetoric, in which a young man must make a choice: but in the Dream, the choice is between Sculpture and Paideia, and in the Teacher of Rhetoric, it's between the easy and the hard road to rhetoric. But is Paideia simply an analogue for Virtue? Is the easy road the best road? As so often with Lucian, what seems obvious turns out to be slippery. Our sessions will involve questions of grammar and syntax, in accord with the overall level of the group, as well as literary interpretation. This event is aimed at intermediate to advanced readers of ancient Greek who have at least some prior experience in speaking; ancient Greek will be the sole language used by the facilitator and participants for the duration of the event.
At least three weeks before the event, you’ll receive a packet of readings, containing our three texts, to prepare in advance. (Although these texts are readily available online, a common packet will enable us to be literally on the same page.) Together with the readings, you’ll also find some helpful vocabulary and phrases for discussing Greek texts in Greek—a “cheat sheet” of sorts. Allow plenty of time to prepare the readings thoroughly.
$150 per participant, which covers the six fifty-minute online sessions and the reading packet. Once paid, the fee cannot be refunded (unless the entire event is cancelled, in which case full refunds will be issued to all participants). Payment options include Paypal and Venmo (cash and personal checks cannot be accepted).
The event will be held via Zoom on Saturday, July 29th, from 10AM to 1PM and from 2PM to 5PM EDT. Each session lasts fifty minutes followed by a ten-minute break.
To apply, click here. You will receive a response within one week. There are only ten places, so don't delay! Your place is secure once you have paid the full registration fee. The deadline to submit your application is June 15, 2023 DEADLINE EXTENDED TILL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28.
Co-founder of the Lexington σύνοδος ἑλληνική (2017-19), Stephen Hill has taught ancient Greek communicatively for over ten years in Rome, Florida, Virginia, and Wyoming. He is Instructor of Latin at Wyoming Catholic College and a PhD candidate in Classics at the University of Virginia, where he is finishing a dissertation on the reception of Heracles in imperial Greek literature. Most recently, he has published (with Christophe Rico) a translation of Hansel and Gretel into ancient Greek.
Feel free to contact Stephen.